Thursday 17 March 2011


Yeah, pretty boring day today hmmm.........I had  a nice tin of wet food called Hero mixed with pedigreee mixer and a bit of Iams. Lozza is changing my food back to just pedigree mixer and wet and leaving Iams out. I like it but Lauren has read that its not very good plus its very expensive!

I think Lozza's match today went pretty well but I don't knwo whether she won? Oh well! Lozza is going to see her Dad tomorrow but she will be back at about 7 pm or 8 pm. I hope the weather is nice this weekend because that means nice long runs and walks with Lozza! Oh please be nice, weather. I don't half love my walks. Keep you updated

My paw print, Millie

Wednesday 16 March 2011



'Come here little rabbit, I'm gonna get you little rabbit...come on....don't be scared....pounce....COME BACK HERE RABBIT....COME BACK HERE....I'm running, running, running, running....


 Oh, hi everyone. I've just woke up. I was chasing rabbits! But now I am bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and I've gotta go out now for my night time walk. Ciao, see yah in a sec.

Yawwnnnn! I am back now and ready to go to bed. But before I do I may as well stay up for a bit with Lozza and Mam. I am lying next to the TV (my favourite place to curl up. Ahhhhhh, stretching out as I type. Hmmmmm....wait a second guys, I am just going to lie at the bottom of the stairs (one of my other favourite places). Hmmm, no I think I best go back into the sitting room. Ahh yeah. I'm just licking myself clean after the walk. I hate being wet and dirty but I do prefer to clean myself rather than being bathed. My tongue is much more traditional than that gloopy, yellow stuff they use on me. Now lets see if anything good is on TV!

Oh-no there isn't. Just the stupid adverts! I hate them, they can really ruin a good TV programme or film. Oh well, I expect Mam is watching some crap because that's all there is on TV at night. Ohhhh well actually, Men Behaving Badly is on. It is actually quite good. Okay well night for now and will see you all tomorrow. Bye!

Bath! AHHHH!

I SEVERELY HATE that word . I love swimming but despise baths. I got horrible water plonked over me and then shampoo which smells disgusting! YUCK! Just recently, the eather has been lovely so I had a bath. I didn't see it coming, either. They surprised me! I was suddenly took outside and had water (fair enough warm water, but still WATER) splashed all over me and then the foul-smelling shampoo. I licked myself clean afterwards. I need to smell like a DOG not like DISINFECTANT which is what the shampoo, in my opinon, smells like! So I really don't like this word. I am going to have to find something good to roll in!SHHHH....don't tell Lozza!